Heart Bouquet Hoops


Red clay hearts topped with hand sculpted red flowers. Flower centers are silver acrylic balls. Green clay leaves play as Cupid’s “arrow” shooting through the hearts. Hoops are 1 inch in diameter and are made of stainless steel.

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Red clay hearts topped with hand sculpted red flowers. Flower centers are silver acrylic balls. Green clay leaves play as Cupid’s “arrow” shooting through the hearts. Hoops are 1 inch in diameter and are made of stainless steel.

Red clay hearts topped with hand sculpted red flowers. Flower centers are silver acrylic balls. Green clay leaves play as Cupid’s “arrow” shooting through the hearts. Hoops are 1 inch in diameter and are made of stainless steel.

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1.75 Inch Green Gift Bow
1 Inch Green Gift Bow Dangle
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